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PV Prevention & Student Assistance
Pajaro Valley Unified School District works in partnership with the Pajaro Valley Prevention and Student Assistance (PVPSA). PVPSA is a non-profit dedicated to providing prevention, education, training, and counseling services to families in Santa Cruz County.
PVPSA counselors work on-site to provide one-on-one or group counseling services to Aptos High School students that may be experiencing difficulties with alcohol, drugs, or self-harm. The ultimate goal of PVPSA is to help students stay in school and succeed!
Drug Medi-Cal (DMC) Groups- provides group counseling services to students. Utilizes the evidence based 'Seven Challenges' curriculum to teach students decision making skills around different issues they face such as:
- peer/social relationships
- substances use
- academic struggles.
The services are provided under minor consent and are voluntary.
Secondary Student Assistance Program (SAP) Counseling- provides individual mental health services to students to help them with numerous issues including:
- school transitions
- grief/loss
- peer/family/school conflicts
- drug/alcohol issues
- anger management.
Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Counseling- provides individual mental health services to students who have Medi-Cal insurance. Counselor assists:
- abuse
- grief
- loss transitions.
Mental Health Counselor (Any Payer Program) - provides mental health services for students regardless of health insurance type or insurance access. Services will be guided by an assessment and treatment plan. Services are available in person and through telehealth