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Staff members at Aptos High use a multitude of positive reinforcement tools to increase student motivation and positive behaviors on campus. These strategies can range from simple verbal praise, to awarding 5 Star points, to recognizing a student with a Mariner Moment. Each teacher has their own toolkit of positive reinforcement that works for them, but our school utitlizes several schoolwide reinforcements as well. The graphic below was created by our SAIL Leadership Team, and was first shared with students in the Fall of 2022.
Classroom versus school wide reinforcements and their benefits
Positive Reinforcement on Campus
Department award

Department award

Each semester, teachers are encouraged to acknowledge up to five students for their work ethic, citizenship, progress, and/or accomplishments. This is a very special award, and can be used on resumes and applications. The following is an example of what a Department Award may look like:
Mariner moments

Mariner moments

Here are the Mariner Moments for the 2023-2024 school year so far! Students can earn a Mariner Moment from any staff who recognizes the exceptional SAIL behaviors the student demonstrates.
Mariner Moment Winners!

Mariner Moment Winners!

Mariner Moment Winners for the week of 10/23

Nominations from the week of 10/17

Nominees for the week of 10/02

Nominees for the week of 10/09

Mariner Moments

Thank you Mariners!

August 2023 Mariner Moments

September 11th Mariner Moments

September 18th Mariner Meoments

September 25 Mariner Moments